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 New Membeer

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PostSubject: New Membeer   New Membeer I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 10, 2013 11:00 pm

Hello My name is Ed Beauchamp and I live in Liverpool New York. I am a retired truck driver, you know one of those guys that could not make as a laborer so they knocked my brains out and made me a dumb truck driver. I am 70 years old and am in to RC. I have a 1/5 scale F&G car and a 1/4 scale pro stock car with a 80 cc motor that has been ported and has a pipe on it from Dyno Port. I also have 2 all metal T maxx trucks one with a 32 motor and the other a 28 motor. I have a cnc mill that I finally got running after 3 yrs of playing around with wiring and computers and a lathe. Along with all this I have a 1/12 scale excavator, 1/32 mining truck and a 1/32 mining shovel so you can see i run the hole gambit sort of. Well that's my story and I am sticking to it. Ed
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PostSubject: Re: New Membeer   New Membeer I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2013 12:13 am

Hello Jammer 1,

would love to see photos of that Pro Stock, sound sweet..

Pro Street.... Cool 
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PostSubject: Re: New Membeer   New Membeer I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2013 1:46 pm

I'd love to give you some pic but this is a work in progress. Trying to fit some cart tire on it. Few years back I tried to get MK to build me a 2 speed for it but that never came to pass. I have never fired it up I just keep putting oil in the cylinder so it won't freeze up. It is a New Era car. Now that I finally after 3 yrs got the cnc mill I bought running I will be able to do something with all my models. I wanted a Willies body and I saw one on Ebay but I never bought it because there was a guy that was building them so I could wait but I guess I waited to long. O well the T Bird body will be all right just as soon as I narrow up the hood scoop it is to wide. Now I see there is a 3 speed trans for 1/5 scale cars and the price is not to bad I was going to try to fit one of them to it. I had a MK parachute but it was plastics and some oil got on it and ruined it. I now have found a place that has parachutes made of the same material that the real are made of for 1/4 scale cars. I forgot to mention that I also but a bigger carb on it. O well you have a good day and a better one tomorrow and don't take any wooden pennies. Ed
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PostSubject: Re: New Membeer   New Membeer I_icon_minitime

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