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 My 1st 1/4 scale sprint car

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PostSubject: My 1st 1/4 scale sprint car   My 1st 1/4 scale sprint car I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 07, 2014 6:54 pm

This is my very 1st 1/4 scale sprint car. A local Sydney made Terry Bennett BULLET. Terry manufactured everything on his cars and it even came with a quick-change rear-end option. This photo was taken in August 1998. This was its 1st time on a track. The G2D70 motor had never been fired and it's the first time the Bishop wheels/tyres had seen dirt. I had a lot of fun with this car and it still sits in my shed, ready to be restored back to this condition one day.

My 1st 1/4 scale sprint car SCAN_0293
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PostSubject: Re: My 1st 1/4 scale sprint car   My 1st 1/4 scale sprint car I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 08, 2014 6:09 pm

Awesome ride there. Love those sprint cars
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Pro Street
Pro Street

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PostSubject: Re: My 1st 1/4 scale sprint car   My 1st 1/4 scale sprint car I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 02, 2014 8:42 am

Car looks great Bob,

Here is the very first sprint car I built,
had to make the chassis because the Zoom chassis was twisted in the front section, so it's ground up build.
Hope you like it...

My 1st 1/4 scale sprint car Zoomsp10

My 1st 1/4 scale sprint car Zoomsp11

Pro Street.... Cool 
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PostSubject: Re: My 1st 1/4 scale sprint car   My 1st 1/4 scale sprint car I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 02, 2014 12:23 pm

Mate, I  have those photos saved in my pictures for many years. Sweet looking car. Didn't know it was yours!
Now that it looks like I'm semi retired, I'll get on to finishing the black one you sold me all those years ago, plus the other 3 old WCMs tucked away in the shed.
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PostSubject: Re: My 1st 1/4 scale sprint car   My 1st 1/4 scale sprint car I_icon_minitime

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My 1st 1/4 scale sprint car
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