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Thank you & Enjoy your stay.

RCBO Racing
Welcome to the RC Burn out Racing Forum.
If you are not already registered, please take the time to join our community, I can promise a great experience in large scale RC.
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Thank you & Enjoy your stay.

RCBO Racing
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PostSubject: All Guest's please read.   All Guest's please read. I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 10, 2010 12:30 am

Hello and thank you for stopping by RC Burn Out Racing Forum,
Unfortunately if your viewing this community as a guest or not logged in, your only seeing very little of what we have to offer!!

We are a fast growing community, all based on large scale racing, we have a great membership base, that has grown tremendously, we can offer you another great place to find that much needed information to gain an edge on the track, or some tips and tricks to keep your racing buddies far behind you!

We have a great bunch of forum sponsors, such as Doug from ESP, Laszlo from Samba, AL from TMR Performance, CC Racing, Nutech and many others to help make another great 5th scale racing forum.

We have alot to offer our members with FREE give aways, contests for prizes and many other things.

We have plenty of advertising options to suite the small website businesses, to the larger companies looking to get involved.

To gain full access to our forum is fast and easy!!!

So, click the Register Button and join our large scale community today!

Joining this forum is FAST, FREE and FUN! So register NOW!
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