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If you are not already registered, please take the time to join our community, I can promise a great experience in large scale RC.
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RCBO Racing
Welcome to the RC Burn out Racing Forum.
If you are not already registered, please take the time to join our community, I can promise a great experience in large scale RC.
WITHOUT being REGISTERED or SIGNED in, you are ONLY viewing a small part of the forum..

Thank you & Enjoy your stay.

RCBO Racing
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    PostSubject: Want to view the rest of the forum????   Want to view the rest of the forum???? I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 30, 2010 4:35 pm

    We have decided to keep most of the content here, kept privately for forum members only, due to some unwanted spam.
    Our forum and it's members offer a ton of knowledge in the large scale hobby, so please register and be apart of a great bunch of guys and community.

    So sign up, its fast and easy, you will have full access to tons of pictures and a world of information.

    Register here: http://www.rcburnout.com/profile.forum?mode=register

    Thank you
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