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 G62 Skopod Engine

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Pro Street
Pro Street

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Location : Garden State

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PostSubject: G62 Skopod Engine   G62 Skopod Engine I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 28, 2013 3:05 am

I have a G62cc Skopod engine for sale...

received this with a Hpi Baja lot I purchased sometime back...

come's with everything to mount the engine in a Baja, doesn't have a pipe just the piece sticking off the back, has plenty of spark, piston looks very clean, it's been sitting for a while.

Great for that winter project for next season....

Asking $850 shipped

G62 Skopod Engine 20131115

G62 Skopod Engine 20131116

G62 Skopod Engine 20131112

G62 Skopod Engine 20131113

G62 Skopod Engine 20131114

Pro Street....Cool
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PostSubject: Re: G62 Skopod Engine   G62 Skopod Engine I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2013 11:27 am

That's a freeeekinnnn monster. I don't think you need ANYTHING bigger than that to run in your cars. ... Any thing else is over kill... Are parts available for these engines Bill. What company supplies these things....Would make a good runner with no worries of repairing it

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Pro Street
Pro Street

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PostSubject: Re: G62 Skopod Engine   G62 Skopod Engine I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 12, 2013 6:02 am

Hi Dom,

yes you can order parts for it at DDM Racing or on ebay...

Pro Street.... Cool 
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PostSubject: Re: G62 Skopod Engine   G62 Skopod Engine I_icon_minitime

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